Movin’ On Up!

Hi Everyone!

I’m exceedingly excited to announce the new and improved form of C&C! Please head on over to to check out the new site! (click here). This WordPress site will remain active if you would like to explore old posts.


See you soon!



CitySwept: Leather Weather

Greetings! I’m thrilled to announce that Cornbread and Cashmere has officially relocated to none other than New York City! What better place to bring you the latest in fashion, food, and life than the meeting place of all three? Get … Continue reading

Sunday Vibes: The Possibility In Possibility

Hi all-

I’m trying something different here.  Since most of my posts are geared toward the fearless fashionista with confidence of steel and four-inch heels, I thought it necessary to switch things up a little.

Why? Because not everyone is born with the innate ability to conquer the world, or even a hot yoga class for that matter.  Sometimes you feel unsure, unsteady, or like the world is working against you. Sometimes you let someone cut in front of you at Starbucks and they order the very last chocolate croissant. Sometimes you walk into work and wonder why your manager is in a bad mood for the THIRD day in a row.  You wonder why some people don’t like you. You question your adulthood because you have no idea how to clean an oven. You try hard, but it isn’t paying off.

Well i’ve got some news for you: it’s okay. 

Not to sound so sagacious here or anything.  I’m one hundred percent in the same boat.  However, this year in particular has taught me that it’s okay to not have it all figured out right now.  At twenty, i’m at the opportune age to make the biggest, and arguably the best mistakes of my life.  The ones that will teach me who I am, what I want, and hopefully lead me straight to a fully satisfying and excitingly enjoyable life. View the uncertainty as prospect. Take a second to see the possibility in possibility.  Put off school for one year.  Move to a new city.  Make new friends.  Wear what you want without caring what anyone thinks. Do things the wrong way. Eat a doughnut.  Read.  Travel.  Document the journey.  Make confident* decisions knowing that there is a reason why you are where you are right now.

*(a note on confidence: the dictionary describes this word as certitude and/or assurance. Now, I don’t mean to correct the dictionary people here [by the way, who actually writes the definitions for dictionaries?? Brackets are supposed to go inside here right? I think they’re the second level of secondary information. The “parentheses of parentheses”, if you will.] Anyway, in my book [or dictionary], confidence has absolutely nothing to do with being ABSOLUTELY sure. About anything.  It’s about having enough faith in something to give it your full trust, and LOOKING like you’re sure on the outside. For instance, I was completely confident a few minutes ago while ordering a grande nonfat caramel macchiato no whipped cream with an extra shot of expresso, when in reality I just heard that in a movie once and was hoping it would turn out like the creamy brown and white beverage i’d been imagining ever since…[it did, by the way].  The point is, being confident is a choice and a state of mind, as well as a fabulous asset.)

F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be who you want to be. I hope you live a life you are proud of.  If you find you are not, I hope you find the strength to start all over again”.

Don’t wait for it! Your life is waiting to be filled.  Think: What do you really want to do? How will you get there? What will you wear?

Thanks for listening.  Now go ahead and jump into all that possibility (and look good while doing it!)



pretty woman

Literati Picks: The Must-Reads

Tomorrow is Monday.

Where did the weekend go? Where did the summer go? As I sit (well, mostly lie) here in my little bed reflecting on all the things I did and did not do this season, I suddenly glance over to my bedside table.  Behind a 3-day-old glass of water and a half-eaten bag of Sour Patch watermelons (they were a gift okay?), I spot the stack of books lying eager and somewhat unread beside the lamp.  It is certainly a bunch of misfits, ranging from the Bible and it’s companion journal which I try to read and write in a few times a week, to the impulse-buy humor/self-help book You Are a Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.  More on that one later, AKA when I get around to finishing it.

Anyway, here are the rest of the noteworthy reads in the stack:

Grace: A Memoir by Grace Coddington 


This one is a must for any fashion hopeful.  Grace Coddington, the newly social Creative Director at Vogue, uses her wit and blunt description to recall her journey to the present in the world of fashion.

Why you should read: She’s funny. Bottom line. This book exposes fashion for what it is: an intense, thrilling, eclectic, sometimes overwhelming industry.  

All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy 


I’m usually the type to go for the classic girly-fiction hot off the NY Times bestseller list.  This one’s a bit older, but definitely worth the read.  Your typical western (lots of shootin’ and horses), though McCarthy adds the nostalgia and romance needed to make this the perfect novel for almost anyone.

Why you should read: It’s different.  Expand your horizons a bit. Okay, so I had to read this for my English Lit class, but since then i’ve explored McCarthy’s other books and similar authors!

Adulting by Kelly Williams-Brown


Imagine my surprise when I found this in my stocking last Christmas! As I read the title all I could think was “wow, I guess my mom (er, Santa) is trying to send a hint. It’s time to get your life together, Lilli…” BUT as I read on, the chapters are chocked full of Brown’s hilarious stories about her messy young adulthood, to all of which I can relate.

why you should read: You could stand to learn a few things, okay? For example, this book taught me how to have my own low-key fancy dinner party, make a lazy girl’s cleaning schedule, and so much more. 

As I mentioned before, there are things I wish I had done this summer.  In addition to going on a cross country road trip and owning a Polaroid camera, reading more is one of them.  Lucky for you, those were just three books in the stack, so once I get some time in my busy schedule (mostly comprised of waiting tables and standing anxiously in the ice cream aisle of the grocery store trying to find a new flavor of Ben & Jerry’s), I’ll read them all and let you all know my thoughts.



written while listening to the Evening Chill playlist on Spotify and listening to the rain 


Dynamic Duos: This Summer’s BEST Fashion Pairs

Some things just go together. Like Summer. It goes well with suntans, frozen drinks, party lights….and great outfits!

With many vibrant options in your summer wardrobe, sometimes it’s hard to pair different pieces together.  Here are my top three summer pairings to have you looking chic and effortless without skimping on color!

1. Matching Separates

Okay, this one’s pretty easy.  Two piece looks have been my obsession for the past year, and right now you can find matching short/skirt and top combos everywhere! Another great part about this look is that you can mix and match the printed separates with other pieces as well! This set has more neutrals in it, so add a pair of statement sandals or a bright bag to bring everything together.  Glam Tip: Match your hair with your look! If your separates are flowy and soft, go for beach waves or natural hair.  For more put-together styles, try a top-knot bun or slicked back locks.

zara combo

($129, Zara)

2. Leather and Fringe

For an edgier take on summer style, Try this music festival-friendly style! Although leather jackets can be a bit warm for the summer months, look for bags, sandals, and shorts with fringe! My favorites are made by Rebecca Minkoff and Free People. for a laid back look, pair your leather-fringe piece with something soft, like a cotton tee, to offset the harshness of the leather.  Glam Tip: since this look has a harder feel, don’t be afraid to add a little extra on the eyes to match! Great colors for a summer smokey eye include soft browns, offset purple, gold, and grey.

frye bag

($450, Frye)

3. Warm Colors and Gold Accessories

One of my favorite things about summer is getting tan! Darker skin tones are paired well with white, but if you’re looking to really accentuate your glow, go for the gold!  The shimmer of the color will look great on your skin.  Warm summery colors like orange, yellow, and red will bring everything together for this look.  Glam Tip: Use a shimmery bronzer or illuminator not only on your face, but also on your shoulders, chest, and neck to maximize your glow!

anthro dress

($188, Anthropologie)

Happy styling!


